Monday, October 17, 2016



Chapter  1

☼ In 2004 an Ahmadabadian diagnosed clinically in U.S .He is still alive 34 years without food & water.

☼ In 2003 Tulsi the wonder boy age 14 joined IISc for his PhD

☼ In 1962 Shrimali demonstrated the rare feat of entering a corpse and made it alive 

☼ 1932 Ramtirth buried himself in 10-foot pit in an airtight box for 30 days without food & water but still found alive after 30 days  

Swami Trailanga disappears from lock up & appeared in courtroom of a British magistrate twice even when he is put under strict supervision & custody. Swami  Trailanga then disappears like morning mist turning to vapors in the nature.

Alfred longe van of Detroit, USA has unique ability. He respires through eyes. He can put off burning candles through eyes only.

Adi shankaracharya, India entered king’s body leaving behind his own to answer question to his lady opponent.Adi Shankaracharya Evam Advait

Francoise August become senior officer of royal library of France at the age of 12 later on he become head of executive committee

☼ In 1464 Mario grapaldo of Italy can write two different poems with two hands, at the same time on both pages of a notebook  

☼ In America, Swami Rama has increased temperature of left hand simultaneously decreased the temperature of right both thing at time. Two miracles at a time

☼ A Muslim classical singer always sees the divine figure, in mist form, of goddess saraswati whenever he practices riyazz. 

The list is only illustrative & not exhaustive you must have also come across many super natural phenomenons in your life.
 All these people have one thing in common – TREMENDOUS CONTROL OVER RIGHT MIND, HORMONES & NERVES. THEY USE 100% CAPACITY OF THEIR OF THEIR RIGHT MIND: knowingly or unknowingly. They were able to connect themselves to the cosmic energy to which we all are part. They were able to identity themselves With their origin! They know their cosmic connections! They know their identity in the space? They know their civilization. They know their role  in the universe. They know present, past & future. They are omnipresent.

Miracles can be performed through your connection to that cosmic intelligence. Right mind is the only organ, through which the whole process starts. Right mind can only perform miracles. Success in life is nothing before these miracles. When right mind is capable of performing supernatural, success in life looks like a minor achievement.
Average human being uses 10% capacity of right mind unknowingly. That too for involuntary activities viz. breathing, blood circulation, heart beat, regulating body temperature, removing waste solid &liquid from body etc. average human being never uses his/her right mind knowingly for conscious activities like success. They never make success a sub conscious activity, an involuntary activity just like breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat, regulating body temperature, removing waste solid & liquid from body etc.

Average human beings in search for different identity work hard, make endless effort uses maximum capacity of   left mind but did not get any positive results. THEY PRAY FOR SUCCESS. But they did not get success. God never perform miracles for a failure. HE will test you till the end. He want to see your patience, perseverance, honest, integrity. But as usual we as people did not have time, patience to stand HIS test. The only course available is to elevate yourself to that level of cosmic energy through your realization of importance of knowledge & wisdom about right mind & subsequently to relate yourself to that omnipresent cosmic phenomenon. At that level every thing is possible. But at that level there is no desire left. There is whole contement, peace, and prosperity. There is no craving for material prosperity. There is no mad rat race for comfort & luxury. There is only eternal peace. There is eternal blessing. There is eternal health. There is eternal life .No death & no birth. Everything is static & everything is dynamic.
Those who can use optimum capacity of right mind can become successful in any field. Miracles always happen & man’s own super conscious energy is behind it. Those who have realized the importance & adopted accordingly may elevate themselves. Those who have opposed or rejected or ignored or not understood or misunderstood remain unsuccessful blaming & cursing people, events, things & fate.

Make your way to success. Material success is possible. You can get it provided you make your right mind work for you. Realize success does not lie in hard work. Success does not lie in effort. Success does not lie in voluntary work or conscious activity.

Success lies in releasing your super consciousness to work for you. Success lies in manifestation success as involuntary activity. Material Success lies in consciously aware about material success. You do not make conscious effort for breathing, heart beat, circulate blood or regulate body temperature or hormone circulation. These activities are performs without conscious hard work. You are alive because of these involuntary activities, without hard work. This is a great success without hard work. You are successful without conscious effort. Because right mind has accepted & made permanent memory, these activities called involuntary activities. Thus you are alive or successful due to these permanent memories. Right mind gives precise, immediate & positive result to these involuntary activities.
Because they are permanent memories in right mind. Similarly right mind will also give precise, immediate & positive result to voluntary or conscious activities provided ONE use right mind for conscious activity. Be your success in study, exams, career, job, business, marriage, health, finances etc, use of right mind is the solution. Amazon

Thinking pattern of human being

Chapter 2

Thinking pattern of human being

We do not get the think we think of?

Students think of getting first class gets second-class 

Parent’s think of medical career for their child the child turns out to be in different profession other than medicine.  .    

A daily earner wants to become millionaire but he is not ready to think beyond his daily routine

This is the world of imperfection. Enjoy imperfection. You can get spiritual satisfaction, even eternal peace by becoming a silent spectator to these acts. But When it comes to ground reality. You need to have fair degree of perfection for success. Because the help you are seeking from right mind is already a perfect INTELLIGENCE.  Performing its duties perfectly without any hindrances. Hence you have to be with right mind.

For ex. Students of professional exam THINK BIG. But this BIG is not accepted by mind. They live in illusion. A state of false self-confidence i.e. pseudo confidence. they study, they do all sort of efforts. But when right mind doesn’t accept there is always negative result. Blame it on their ignorance or misunderstoodness or their rejection or no acceptance. Whatever may be the reason, the fact remains unchanged that whatever positive accepted by right mind will always produce positive results.   

MIND STARTS ACCEPTING THE DIFFICULT SUBJECT AS IT IS, STARTS thinking like subject, does reasoning on problems and put forth solutions. 

Mind uses its subconscious part for making any subject   super-consciousness. Unfortunately human uses 10% of its sub consciousness mind. THAT 10% never uses for studies. That 10% is used only for involuntary activity e.g. breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, body temperature regulation etc. Remaining 90% is not used at all. It has vast unending power, memory and ability. It is the seat for   Super-consciousness

Then what human beings are using................... it is conscious mind which has very limited power, Memory and ability.

Super-consciousness about the subject is the highest ability of subconscious mind for exploring and discovering consciously. you become  aware of your individual quality of consciousness deeper than average understanding, greatly enhanced ability to begin attracting and manifesting desired results in your life intentionally and EVERY aspect of your life.

Super-consciousness is limitless or "Infinite" in nature. It is infinite field of potential which knows no boundaries or limitations. Within itself it contains EVERY probability, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. It encompasses ALL things from the macroscopic to the microscopic and beyond. It comprises all things physical and those that are non physical.

Super-consciousness is omniscient and omnipresent. Individual consciousness exists within and is an integral part of the Whole COSMIC INTELLIGENCE   

I believe If you want mastery in the subject, think like subject e.g. if you want mastery in math, think like math’s, acts like math, behave like math, manifest math in each and every cell of your body, a stage will come when  there is no difference between you and math . You become math and math becomes you. This is the stage when enlightenment happens.

At this stage There will be only Gyan . The Keval Gyan, the only KNOWLEDGE, there is no you, me and the universe. There is only super-consciousness, the super consciousness about the mastered math. When this super consciousness comes, stayed and retained the person becomes super intelligent.  

Mind can be prepared to train in any subjects, and students can become super intelligent in any subjects.

 A student should become a subject. Subject should become student. There is must not be any difference between student &subject. Think like subject. Think in subject. This is most important. Normally students thinking pattern is totally different from subject. They think & reason from their point of view & not from subject point of view hence would not master subject. Understand subject from subject point of view then subject will be very much easy. Understand how a subject made to think for students. Eat like subject. Behave like a subject. Talk like subject & talk in subject, speak like subject, sleep like subject, then subject will be yours & you are like subject. You will master any difficult subject viz. math, science etc…
Then whatever you think about yourself will be a reality for you
A human being if he wants to be a millionaire has to become millionaire even before he gets riches.  Money (riches) becomes him. He becomes money. There should not be any difference between him & money. Think like money. Think in money. This is most important. Normally human beings thinking pattern is totally different from money. They think & reason money from their point of view & not from money point of view hence would not gain riches. Understand money from money point of view then making big money will be very much easy. Understand how money made to think for human beings. Eat like money. Behave like money. Talk like money, hear like money & talk in money, speak like money, sleep like money, then money will be yours & you are like money. You will master money& money will master you
Then whatever you think about yourself will be a reality for you.




  Success has many facets. No 1 in board exam is success. Becoming doctor engineer scientists is success. Best job with attractive remuneration is success for an unemployed.  For a girl hand some husband in high position is success.  For Middle aged car, bungalows, bank balance and deposits is success. Money, education, intelligence are not success. If money is the criteria Karl Marx will not be a successful man. Bill gates, only high school, would not be millionaire if education is the criteria. Many PhDs & scholar could not do what Edison has invented in his life, had intelligence is the criteria
Successful person is one who has controlled over everything. Outside control cannot be possible without internal mastery. “Control thyself” is the control over mind & body.
 Control is operation of all activities at own will. It must be an essentially voluntary act.
Scientists says man uses 10% of mind. Certainly man uses 100% of left mind &10% of right mind.

Mind has a size of walnut bigger than two-clenched fist. Average mind weights are 1.35 kg for male &1.25 kg for female. Mind consists off 100 billion nerves cells or neurons each connected to hundred sometimes thousands of other cell. It consumes 8-10 times more glucose than other organs & uses 20% of body oxygen intake.

Mind has two hemispheres

1. Left mind 2. Right mind

When you consciously think & make decision you are using Left mind e.g. you decided to go out on dinner, to read a book, to study etc . Left mind does conscious thinking, which are based on facts. It is objective mind.

Right Mind controls Blood circulation, breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, hormones circulation etc. Right mind is subjective mind. All involuntary functions (blood circulation, breathing, heart beat, body temperature etc.) are permanent memory. It cannot be erased unless their serious damage to right minds/organs. Right Mind is real performer. Human beings are alive because of Right Mind. Hippo campus, Thalamus Hypothalamus is the region where permanent memory resides. Also these regions are connected to Autonomic Nervous System. Hence Hippo campus & Thalamus, Hypothalamus are three parts of Right Mind. 

Right Mind is creative in nature. It does reasoning exclusively with the thoughts handed down by left mind whether they are facts or not. It is the seat of timeless intelligence. Right mind is always right. Decision evolved from Right Mind yield 100% positive results. Right Mind controls entire gland system, which secrete hormones in blood. 

 Hormones are the chemical messengers produced by the Mind. They are released in the blood in response to instruction from Mind. Hormones reside in organs & in tissues but its master control lies in Right Mind. Chief producer of hormones are endocrine glands, they consist of six sets of glands. 1. Pituitary 2. Thyroids 3. Para thyroids 4. Adrenals 5. Islets of Langerhans in pancreas 6.Gonads (testis in male & ovaries in female)

WORKING OF RIGHT MIND & HORMONES: whenever you think of fear, pleasure, Hypothalamus (part of right mind) instructs body’s nervous & hormone system. Hormones pour in to the blood almost at once heart & breathing rate rises, blood pressure goes up, pupils dilate & sweating occurs.
The thought enters left mind, left mind hand it over to right mind. Right does reasoning & produces the result
E.g. 5 HT is Excitatory in Brain & is important in Mood, Sleep, Pain & Appetite.Cholines essentially acetylcholine is excitatory or inhibitory and important in memory. Enkephalim is body’s painkiller.


Every organ has coded message. Each single cell has coded message about its origin, reproduction, activity, function, & death.

When you feel hungry i.e. hydro choleric acid (HCL) in stomach increases its normal level. This is caused due to impulses reaching hypothalamus. Hypothalamus directs pituitary glands, which release hormones, which activate thyroids glands to release another hormone in blood. These hormones increase HCL (digestive acid) level in stomach. HCL is an acid it destroys inner lining but due to precoded information cell multiply itself & renewed so quickly, nearly 5,00,000 cells are replaced every minute & entire lining in every three days. Without coded message HCL would have made hole in stomach, which means death.

Precoded information is embedded in Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) Which Is Essential part of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) 
1. Thoughts    2. Feelings     3. Breathing 

1. Thoughts:  It is the thoughts that trigger the nervous & hormones system to secrete chemical messenger in the blood. Good thought produces good hormones & a bad thought produces harmful hormones in the blood. A good hormone brings good reaction & bad hormones give destructive effect.
2. Feeling: Right Mind is the center where all emotion resides. Emotions have strong feelings. Feeling gives state of being where temporarily chemically messenger in the blood gives desired result. It is also a coded message which indicates that whatever desired is accomplished. This temporary state embedded in itself.  
3. Breathing: It consists of 20% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon, and 0.03% carbon dioxide & traces of other noble gases. Air is mixture.  From Inhaled air hemoglobin takes only oxygen, other gases can be utilized to produce energy, when food & water intake is closed. Because the ultimate aim of food & water is the generation of energy through oxidation of glucose. This energy can also be produced through air coupled with various hormones & enzymes as and when necessary. Hence yogis & sages live 300-400 years without food & water.      

Tissues also secrete hormones in blood. Small glands in the lining of the stomach react to the presence of protein rich food by secreting the hormone GASTRINE, which stimulates the flow of gastric juices in the walls of the intestine, releases SECRETIN Which Controls Production of Bile from Gall Bladder.  When Food Enters Duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) its wall secretes CHOLECYSTOKININ.

Tissues are functional unit of all living things. Body consists of 60 crores tissues. They are so minute can be seen through electron microscope. The width of cell wall is one-millionth part of a millimeter. It allows permissible substances & prevents entry of foreign bodies. A tissue has best communication system. Mitochondria in the tissues are the powerhouses. They provide energy. They oxidize glucoses to produce energy, water & carbon dioxide. In this process adenosine triphosphate is also produced which break in less than 1/6th part of a second to release energy. This energy is utilized for all involuntary activities (beating g of heart, blood circulation etc.).

 Matter Is Made Of Extremely Small Particles Viz. proton electron, & neutron. Atomic particle are constantly vibrating. You can see its vibration through electron microscope. There is fundamental difference between human body& other matter. Human body is made of cell that has inherent code of information, which is embedded in DNA. RNA is constituent part of DNA. RNA Is Susceptible To New Messages. Our thoughts are converted in to coded messages & transfer it to DNA. DNA performs according to coded information.
Concentration on right mind, hormones & tissues brings control over all three. 

Through mediation you can enter the sub atomic level & feel vibration of atomic particle consciously. Manifestation is a process when individual gathers all precoded information from each & every cell from the mind, hormones & tissues. This precoded information moves within body, mind & tissues in each cell &capable of performing any supernatural & intelligent task. Hence it is called ENERGY OF INTELLIGENCE. When energy of intelligence is released mind exit but do not perform. Because all function (voluntary & involuntary) is taken over by energy of intelligence. This is the highest state of being in humans. When this state is achieved   one can perform miraculous task e.g. stop breathing for hours, can leave one’s body enter another so on. Energy of intelligence must always be kept activated.

Glands or tissue
Growth hormones (G.T.)
Bone Growth

Resorption of water by kidneys
Development of skin color
Sleep, prevents old age, Resistance of cancer, biological clock
Rate of chemical process viz digestion, hunger, respiration
Parathyroid hormones
Exchange of calcium & phosphate between blood, bones intestines & kidneys
Production of WBC in children
Salt &water content of blood
Raises blood pressure in stress situation

Normal control of blood pressure
Prepares body for emergency action
Water salt protein carbohydrate metabolism
Islets of Langerhans
Reduces blood sugar
Increases blood sugar
Production of RBC’s By bone marrow
Raises blood pressure to work kidney’s filter
Gonads-Testis (male)
Sexual development production of sperm
Estrogen-ovaries   (female)
Estradiol, estrone
& Estriol
Menstrual cycle productive cycles produces secondary sexual characteristics
Promotes development of lining of uterus in menstrual cycle