Friday, October 14, 2016

Mark system

Chapter 14

Mark system

Every examiner is always in hurry to assess answer sheets. Within a minute or two. Your fate is decided within minutes. Your effort of 365 days is valued in just minutes. You will get marks on what you write. If examiner did not find what they want in answer sheet. If do not speak his (examiners) language .if you do not write what he want he will star deducting or will not give you mark at all. The following should be kept in mind while writing answer:

1. LANGUAGE: every subject has its language. For law subject students the language is different. For English subject  the language is different. For economics subject the language is different. for math subject it is altogether different ,scientific language (language for science subject is also different.  You have write answers in your subject language. If you write science paper with geography language, there is least possibility you will get least marks.   
Because examiner is subject expert &has taught the same subject (science in our case ) since  many years of  teaching science has become his habit &his mind has accepted the science language . it becomes his language & hence he is familiar with the science language. When such shoddy exam paper comes before him he immediately recognize that examinee is not proficient in science subject & gather bad impression about the exam paper hence start deducting  marks & this the reason why you will get less marks. This is true for all board & international, national level exams 

Solution:  1. read the textbooks of different author on same subject in your same discipline. Read,underatand ,analyse,intereprete,get gist on  how, what, why, where they have written particular word, sentences, paragraph, chapters etc.. by continuous reading gradually & following the memory method given in this book ( i.e.  Think like subject. Think in subject. Understand subject from subject point of view Behave like a subject. Talk like subject  & talk in subject, speak like subject, sleep like subject, then subject will be yours & you are like subject.)

2. The first step is your preparation of answer. In the second step write answer in answer sheet which should be precise &relevant in context
3. In answer there should be easy flow of words & sentences -concepts.
4. Each word is connected with another word in. Each sentence is connected with other sentences. Each paragraph is connected with another paragraph. There should be even paragraph i.e. if first paragraph consist of 7 sentences second paragraph should also consists of 7 sentences so on. This rule will not be applicable to introduction &conclusion   So that the whole answer looks like coherent. Harmonious, meaningful, relevant, effective, efficient & does not appear like patches.

5.   Presentation: it includes
a.    reasonable handwriting i.e. it can be readable & doest not create irritation on part of examiner
b.      there should not be spelling errors in answer
c.      format of answer I
i.      Introduction in two lines ii. Main body consists of relevant definition, explanation, examples, maturity, and intelligence etc iii. conclusion in one or two line
               d. Neat & clean answer sheets.
6.  justice to length & breadth of answer according to marks allotted. there should be fair justification for length of answer for different marks for, ex if you write one whole page answer for 5 marks question  & half page answer for 7 marks question this not justified. It shows examinee did not have sufficient material for that particular answer hence examiner will deduct marks.