Monday, October 17, 2016

Sound sleep


Sound sleep

When you sleep it means your left mind sleeps. Right mind is always busy 24 hours a day. It never tired of its daily activities. Left mind get tired of its activities hence it requires rest. Still some takes daily activities (heavy food, work, tension, all bad emotions viz, jealousy, envy, laziness, ego, worry, guilty feeling, hatred, doubt, compulsion, etc.) to bed, here also left mind is occupied with these activities hence could not sleep.

Sleep occurs when left mind  signals right mind to release sleep hormone in the blood. Right mind release hormones in the blood which travel through whole body making whole body heavy, your consciousness disappears & sleep takes over.  

Distract left mind from these activities & Make it concentrate to relaxation of muscle & peace,  comfort,  coziness to whole body.   


1.  Lie down on bed & close your eyes, stretch your whole body muscle twice.

2.  Concentrate on your breathing, in this way your left mind get distracted from routine daily activities. Slowly it starts concentrating on breathing.

3. Feel the refreshing oxygen when it enters inside make your tense muscle relaxes. Feel you are melting like ice creams in the bed with every breath in. start your melting from ankle, legs, knees, thigh, genitals, buttocks, back, chest, throat, face head, left mind so on. Do it again & again if your body muscle does not listen to you first time. This process should be an easy flow & fun. By feeling relaxes & sleepy you are subconsciously directing right mind to release sleep hormone in the blood. It will release the sleep hormone in the blood & you will get sleep. This process should be without will power.         
You are loosing consciousness. Your eyes becoming heavy & your whole body is motionless & relaxed. Feel the cozy touch of soft bed, pillow with your body. No sooner you end this feeling you are already dozed off.         

Meaning of enjoyment: consider yourself as super consciousness i.e. you are not body & mind. You are energy of intelligence belong to that cosmic super conscious intelligence. How to consider?
 Detach your mind & body from your super consciousness or energy of intelligence. Don’t react with your failures. Don’t attach bad emotions with your failure or difficulty or problem or wrong or anything negative.  The same you do at silent spectator method (SSM). Difference is that you have to do it with your routine work and with people around if any. So what is happening viz difficulty or problem or bad luck or anything negative or wrong is happening to your mind &body & not to   your  super consciousness or energy of intelligence. Hence you’re   super consciousness or energy of intelligence outside the reach of any difficulty or problem or bad luck or anything negative or wrong. Hence you are enjoying i.e. energy of intelligence is enjoying without any harm to mind &body because you are not attached to mind & body. you are lucky. You are happy, you are peaceful you are contented, you are never failure, you are omnipresent. There will be no worry, no stress & strain, no desire, no ambition, no bad emotion nothing except the eternal silence, peace, and happiness.)
Live in present. Don’t try to predict /foresee what is going to happen in future .don’t try to control events, occurrence, and people.

 Don’t try to fight with present. Accept present for better tomorrow. The more you complain the more you are distancing away yourself from success. You are part of that cosmic intelligence. Whatever you desire will not happen unless agreed to by that cosmic intelligence. If you want everything will happen according to your wishes or order or instructions then you have to become cosmic intelligence, which is impossible hence the best recourse available is to distance yourself from past & future.

Don’t think about controlling events & people. Don’t complain. Don’t fight with your present. Concentrate on present. Enjoy present & become conscious about your success. Because you are planning subconsciously & result will be subconscious. You have to become aware. If you are unaware you will not make use of that golden opportunity. If you know yourself .you will aware of existence golden opportunities & best positive result        

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