Monday, October 17, 2016



Chapter  1

☼ In 2004 an Ahmadabadian diagnosed clinically in U.S .He is still alive 34 years without food & water.

☼ In 2003 Tulsi the wonder boy age 14 joined IISc for his PhD

☼ In 1962 Shrimali demonstrated the rare feat of entering a corpse and made it alive 

☼ 1932 Ramtirth buried himself in 10-foot pit in an airtight box for 30 days without food & water but still found alive after 30 days  

Swami Trailanga disappears from lock up & appeared in courtroom of a British magistrate twice even when he is put under strict supervision & custody. Swami  Trailanga then disappears like morning mist turning to vapors in the nature.

Alfred longe van of Detroit, USA has unique ability. He respires through eyes. He can put off burning candles through eyes only.

Adi shankaracharya, India entered king’s body leaving behind his own to answer question to his lady opponent.Adi Shankaracharya Evam Advait

Francoise August become senior officer of royal library of France at the age of 12 later on he become head of executive committee

☼ In 1464 Mario grapaldo of Italy can write two different poems with two hands, at the same time on both pages of a notebook  

☼ In America, Swami Rama has increased temperature of left hand simultaneously decreased the temperature of right both thing at time. Two miracles at a time

☼ A Muslim classical singer always sees the divine figure, in mist form, of goddess saraswati whenever he practices riyazz. 

The list is only illustrative & not exhaustive you must have also come across many super natural phenomenons in your life.
 All these people have one thing in common – TREMENDOUS CONTROL OVER RIGHT MIND, HORMONES & NERVES. THEY USE 100% CAPACITY OF THEIR OF THEIR RIGHT MIND: knowingly or unknowingly. They were able to connect themselves to the cosmic energy to which we all are part. They were able to identity themselves With their origin! They know their cosmic connections! They know their identity in the space? They know their civilization. They know their role  in the universe. They know present, past & future. They are omnipresent.

Miracles can be performed through your connection to that cosmic intelligence. Right mind is the only organ, through which the whole process starts. Right mind can only perform miracles. Success in life is nothing before these miracles. When right mind is capable of performing supernatural, success in life looks like a minor achievement.
Average human being uses 10% capacity of right mind unknowingly. That too for involuntary activities viz. breathing, blood circulation, heart beat, regulating body temperature, removing waste solid &liquid from body etc. average human being never uses his/her right mind knowingly for conscious activities like success. They never make success a sub conscious activity, an involuntary activity just like breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat, regulating body temperature, removing waste solid & liquid from body etc.

Average human beings in search for different identity work hard, make endless effort uses maximum capacity of   left mind but did not get any positive results. THEY PRAY FOR SUCCESS. But they did not get success. God never perform miracles for a failure. HE will test you till the end. He want to see your patience, perseverance, honest, integrity. But as usual we as people did not have time, patience to stand HIS test. The only course available is to elevate yourself to that level of cosmic energy through your realization of importance of knowledge & wisdom about right mind & subsequently to relate yourself to that omnipresent cosmic phenomenon. At that level every thing is possible. But at that level there is no desire left. There is whole contement, peace, and prosperity. There is no craving for material prosperity. There is no mad rat race for comfort & luxury. There is only eternal peace. There is eternal blessing. There is eternal health. There is eternal life .No death & no birth. Everything is static & everything is dynamic.
Those who can use optimum capacity of right mind can become successful in any field. Miracles always happen & man’s own super conscious energy is behind it. Those who have realized the importance & adopted accordingly may elevate themselves. Those who have opposed or rejected or ignored or not understood or misunderstood remain unsuccessful blaming & cursing people, events, things & fate.

Make your way to success. Material success is possible. You can get it provided you make your right mind work for you. Realize success does not lie in hard work. Success does not lie in effort. Success does not lie in voluntary work or conscious activity.

Success lies in releasing your super consciousness to work for you. Success lies in manifestation success as involuntary activity. Material Success lies in consciously aware about material success. You do not make conscious effort for breathing, heart beat, circulate blood or regulate body temperature or hormone circulation. These activities are performs without conscious hard work. You are alive because of these involuntary activities, without hard work. This is a great success without hard work. You are successful without conscious effort. Because right mind has accepted & made permanent memory, these activities called involuntary activities. Thus you are alive or successful due to these permanent memories. Right mind gives precise, immediate & positive result to these involuntary activities.
Because they are permanent memories in right mind. Similarly right mind will also give precise, immediate & positive result to voluntary or conscious activities provided ONE use right mind for conscious activity. Be your success in study, exams, career, job, business, marriage, health, finances etc, use of right mind is the solution. Amazon

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