Monday, October 17, 2016

Solution to problems

Chapter 7

Solution to problems

1.      Poor concentration: lack of interest in the subject is the cause.

SOLUTION: Learn to like the subject/things. There is always good in every disliked thing. Explore that good. Bring to front. What is its value in your life? Whether you can go without it for. Ex. You can go without math if math is most disliked subject. Can you stand without math? Math is required in everyday life. What you want to become without math. What will be your future without math? Whether you will be able to give justice to your future courses without math.
Think like subject. Think in subject. This is most important. Normally students thinking pattern is totally different from subject. They think & reason from their point of view & not from subject point of view hence would not master subject. Understand subject from subject point of view then subject will be very much easy. Understand how a subject made to think for students. Eat like subject. Behave like a subject. Talk like subject & talk in subject, speak like subject, sleep like subject, then subject will be yours & you are like subject. You will master any difficult subject viz. math, science etc…
2.      Adamant child /does not listen /want freedom

SOLUTION: children behave like elders. Watch out whether you are not adamant towards our child or wife or relative or friends. Check whether you listen to you elders, whether you want autonomy without responsibility. Your positive self-discipline portray in true spirit will make child responsible & accountable. Avoid clashes. Don’t try to rule your kid. Be committed to his/her well being, tactfully make him/her realize his responsibility, make him/her think about importance of discipline & benefits of following self positive discipline. Reprimand his/her behavior/actions & not him/her. Reprimand   him/her to correct his actions in future if they are wrong. You are reprimanding for correction of behaviors. Hence your love must be reflected & communicated through soft words or positive gestures after reprimanding.    

3.    All Bad emotions like anger, jealousy, greed, envy, ego, sorrow etc. could be eliminated temporarily by becoming aware of them then following the method immediately.

SOLUTION METHOD: Stop your breathing for seconds. In this way you are distracting your mind from Bad emotions. Hold your breathe for a while till all your attention direct to lack of oxygen for survival. It is the awareness of lack of oxygen that will distract the bad emotional thoughts. After a while as time passes your attention will be fully concentrated on breathing & by time all your bad emotional thought would have vanished. Remember you breathe with your left nostril for a while. 


A. put thumb on your right nostril & try to breathe through left nostril  for 10 –15 times. Slowly the left nostril will start breathing. This method of breathing through left nostril   & stopping right nostril will be 40% effective   

   B. bends your neck on right shoulder so that it will slide on right 
    shoulders for a while. Slowly Slowly the left nostril will start 

C. control your breathing through regular practice of prayamam & 
    then instruct your  Mind to start breathing through left nostril.

4.   Poor communication skill: when a child remains silent talk very less, do not mixed with each other. Enjoy silence. There is communication in silence. It is mute communication. It tells recognize me, recognize my communication. I am here. Do not ignore me. Give me importance. Talk to me. Talk to me positively. Share my emotions, be friendly with me. Made me acceptable in your friend circle. Make me socially acceptable. Unfortunately no body understands this subconscious desire, which is never spoken but always communicated in mute. The child is not made comfortable with others & environment. Blame is put on his inability for poor communication. If you friendly with him he will be friendly with you. For every positive action on your part there is always positive reaction.  

Search for happiness, wealth : happiness is within in your heart. Close your eyes concentrate your mind on heartbeat. For seconds. You will find energy centers start glowing in the body. Enjoy that experience. You will come across many amazing thing of supernatural world.

Wealth: it is your precious mind &beautiful healthy body capable of providing all luxuries of subconscious world    

 It is meditation. Get intoxicated by the charm of meditation it won’t affect mind & body. Get intoxicated by the charm of loosing oneself in you in samadhi. Get intoxicated in being conscious in sleep. Get intoxicated by the charm of becoming aware about you in routine conscious activities .

Increase your self-esteem; respect others not as human being but as energy of intelligence. If you consider yourself as energy of intelligence then only can you give respect to other’s energies of intelligence. If you understand the law of intelligence any words good or bad always travel back to the concern person & affect his aura & the coded information. If you are abusing then you are harming your own energy of intelligence  & subsequently your own coded information, which in turn create more problems in mind & body  & takes you away from success.

POSITIVE THINKING: it will help when positive thoughts become CONSCIOUS MEMORY. We human beings are all different. Some have tremendous grasping power to make things happen. Some understand things very quickly & follow the routine with success. Some accept success. Some takes time to accept success. Ordinary human being takes time to accept & digest the truth of success.

For them the solution is the constant awareness about their thinking. They must think what they are thinking. So that no unwanted thought other than success comes to the mind. Beware of the attachment of bad emotions to the thought & follow the forever relaxation method & silent spectator method.

WE KNOW EVERYTHING ATTITUDE / JUSTIFY MISTAKES / LIFE NOT ACCORDING TO PLANNED AGENDA: no body has time to share any information with others. Our own ego prevents us from sharing any information with others. If ask others about anything they laugh at us, ridicule us for not knowing the simple thing. It this attitude bars us from asking anything. Lack of information & consequently the knowledge forces us to assume that we know everything. We start justifying mistakes. We never admit them. Never take lesson from it.

Everybody plan. Plans never turn out to be as it is. Unexpected happenings take place. Failures &opportunity may strike. Or only failures may strike consistently for long time. The best course is to plan for future but live in present, this present moment is important live it happily, lives it with awareness, live it consciously. If present demands changes in future plan, make changes, modify your plan.


AWARENESS attitude will help in maintaining balance in your life.

MAGNIFYING PROBLEMS: this is common tendency to show they are the only suffered on this earth. Everybody’s problem is somewhat same there is discontent, frustrution, callousness, irresponsible behaviour, disobdence kids, nagging spouse, anger, depression, tension, agitation, treachery by near ones, injustice at work & in social life, bad habit of liquor& smoking so on they think their problem is big problem. Others problems are minor one. People magnify problem to gain sympathy. They wander in imagination. They aggravate their own problem. They didn’t see the intention. They only believe in words. Their own perception of mind block from seeing the truth. They want to be relieved by telling as big as they can. Ultimately they are the losers. He /she become problem to others.

SOLUTION: 1.find constructive solutions to the problems 2. If problems are too much complicated leave it to TIME. Some day solution will come. 3. Enjoy problem (see the DEPTH meaning of enjoyment given else where in the book) 4. Ignore with caution it won’t bother your mind in future. Ignore if it is not going to cause big blow to your whole existence on the earth.  

WHY ALL SUFFERING TO ME: consider suffering as a passing phase NOTHING IS PERMANENT IN LIFE. If you consider life in number of years. Your suffering will not end. Consider life as a moment. Every moment brings joy & every passing moment takes away sorrow.

FAST LIFE HOW TO MAINTAIN BALANCE BETWEEN SOCIAL & WORK LIFE: your conscious life is much slower than your unconscious life that is going on 24 hours a day in your body. Your blood circulation is much faster than your local train, your heart beat is as much more   precise than alarm clock, and your respiration is much more regular than your daily activities. Your thoughts are much faster than the fastest blinking cursor of computer. Learn from your mind & body. Your mind & body is handling all activities smoothly. So why can’t it handle your fast life in conscious world. Take help from right mind. You will benefit from it. Use right mind for dealing with your conscious world. Become aware about time you will feel time has stopped. Aware about your official work & social life.   You will come to know about time required for each activity. Then you will frame guidelines for distribution of time for each activity.

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