Monday, October 17, 2016

Thinking pattern of human being

Chapter 2

Thinking pattern of human being

We do not get the think we think of?

Students think of getting first class gets second-class 

Parent’s think of medical career for their child the child turns out to be in different profession other than medicine.  .    

A daily earner wants to become millionaire but he is not ready to think beyond his daily routine

This is the world of imperfection. Enjoy imperfection. You can get spiritual satisfaction, even eternal peace by becoming a silent spectator to these acts. But When it comes to ground reality. You need to have fair degree of perfection for success. Because the help you are seeking from right mind is already a perfect INTELLIGENCE.  Performing its duties perfectly without any hindrances. Hence you have to be with right mind.

For ex. Students of professional exam THINK BIG. But this BIG is not accepted by mind. They live in illusion. A state of false self-confidence i.e. pseudo confidence. they study, they do all sort of efforts. But when right mind doesn’t accept there is always negative result. Blame it on their ignorance or misunderstoodness or their rejection or no acceptance. Whatever may be the reason, the fact remains unchanged that whatever positive accepted by right mind will always produce positive results.   

MIND STARTS ACCEPTING THE DIFFICULT SUBJECT AS IT IS, STARTS thinking like subject, does reasoning on problems and put forth solutions. 

Mind uses its subconscious part for making any subject   super-consciousness. Unfortunately human uses 10% of its sub consciousness mind. THAT 10% never uses for studies. That 10% is used only for involuntary activity e.g. breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, body temperature regulation etc. Remaining 90% is not used at all. It has vast unending power, memory and ability. It is the seat for   Super-consciousness

Then what human beings are using................... it is conscious mind which has very limited power, Memory and ability.

Super-consciousness about the subject is the highest ability of subconscious mind for exploring and discovering consciously. you become  aware of your individual quality of consciousness deeper than average understanding, greatly enhanced ability to begin attracting and manifesting desired results in your life intentionally and EVERY aspect of your life.

Super-consciousness is limitless or "Infinite" in nature. It is infinite field of potential which knows no boundaries or limitations. Within itself it contains EVERY probability, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. It encompasses ALL things from the macroscopic to the microscopic and beyond. It comprises all things physical and those that are non physical.

Super-consciousness is omniscient and omnipresent. Individual consciousness exists within and is an integral part of the Whole COSMIC INTELLIGENCE   

I believe If you want mastery in the subject, think like subject e.g. if you want mastery in math, think like math’s, acts like math, behave like math, manifest math in each and every cell of your body, a stage will come when  there is no difference between you and math . You become math and math becomes you. This is the stage when enlightenment happens.

At this stage There will be only Gyan . The Keval Gyan, the only KNOWLEDGE, there is no you, me and the universe. There is only super-consciousness, the super consciousness about the mastered math. When this super consciousness comes, stayed and retained the person becomes super intelligent.  

Mind can be prepared to train in any subjects, and students can become super intelligent in any subjects.

 A student should become a subject. Subject should become student. There is must not be any difference between student &subject. Think like subject. Think in subject. This is most important. Normally students thinking pattern is totally different from subject. They think & reason from their point of view & not from subject point of view hence would not master subject. Understand subject from subject point of view then subject will be very much easy. Understand how a subject made to think for students. Eat like subject. Behave like a subject. Talk like subject & talk in subject, speak like subject, sleep like subject, then subject will be yours & you are like subject. You will master any difficult subject viz. math, science etc…
Then whatever you think about yourself will be a reality for you
A human being if he wants to be a millionaire has to become millionaire even before he gets riches.  Money (riches) becomes him. He becomes money. There should not be any difference between him & money. Think like money. Think in money. This is most important. Normally human beings thinking pattern is totally different from money. They think & reason money from their point of view & not from money point of view hence would not gain riches. Understand money from money point of view then making big money will be very much easy. Understand how money made to think for human beings. Eat like money. Behave like money. Talk like money, hear like money & talk in money, speak like money, sleep like money, then money will be yours & you are like money. You will master money& money will master you
Then whatever you think about yourself will be a reality for you.

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