Monday, October 17, 2016


Chapter  6


There are failures in this world. Left mind knowingly or unknowingly start the process & end it in destruction. People do not succeed because their whole life revolves around these 12 aspects. Left mind consciously bring failure in life. Left mind is always troubled by lie, cheating, stealing etc... The following 12 aspects bring destruction to life .Knowingly or unknowingly individual fall prey to these vices& repent throughout life.

1. CREED:  (Meaning- stick up to one thought). Creed blocks mind. Mind cannot think constructively. It follows destructive path .leads individual to failure.
In 1904 it is believed higher education will solve unemployment problem .In 2004 higher education generates higher unemployment .In 1904 only degree is sufficient .Now after 100 years the creed continues restricting individual to think beyond  degree. Today much more is required besides degree.

2. COMPULSION:  (meaning that which must de done, done by force)
There is compulsion to study, compulsion to secure good marks-pass with good percentage, compulsion to follow rules, compulsion to settle in career. Compulsion    develops irritation, tension, fear. Stops creativity .Unwillingly individual perform- a straight half hearted effort. Left mind understands half hearted effort & gives failure.

3. Anxiety or disturbed state of mind: We worry about everything. We deliberately disturbed our own mind through worry. Worrying about any problem will only aggravate the problem. It robs of your peace of mind & creates anxiety
4. Apprehension of superiority to ourselves, suspicious fear:  destroys faith in oneself .it shakes our own confidence. We start doubting our own potential. We feel jealous because we feel we could not do better or we don’t deserve better in life. The easy way we vent our feeling is through jealousy  

 5. Bitter contemplation of another success or ill will caused at the sight of another success or wealth: some people could not bear good happening to other. They thought he/she has been unjustly treated. We forget the fact that everyone deserves according to his/her   ability & willingness to work hard for the goal. It is only the failures that envy others. 

6.  Breach of conduct: we feel guilty about our own bad behaviors & actions. Some feel guilty about past mistakes . Some feel guilty about cheating their spouses. Some steal, some lie, some destroys –for all they feel guilty. Guilty conscience when deep rooted destroys happiness & creates misery.

7. Constantly thinking about work:  constantly thinking about work destroys sound sleep, manifest more worry & impatience. Some think about permutation & combination about work. The possibilities & opportunities they missed during the day. 

8. Selfishness: this “I” destroys everything. Ego prevents from accepting constructive suggestions in life. Ego delays success.

9. Dislike: lazy individual dugs his/her own grave. They dislike everything Activeness is rather hated or least think about. Lazy individual has no goals in life. They are not interested in betterment of their life. They want to live as they are without improvement with pseudo hope that they will be rich some day anyhow. But that day never come in their life.

10. Ill will /malice/detest: they dislike books, study career, exertion, good advice, suggestion etc. some dislike human beings & every living entity on this earth. Hate is found in every individual. Hatred gives disturbed state of mind.

11. Future Planning: they only plan & did nothing. At ground level action, effort is needed to put planning into reality. But as a matter if fact they are satisfied with their planning, They wait for the right opportunity till that time either the plan fades out or their resources dries or their health deteriorate. 

All bad emotions arises from our not conscious about them, our wrong attitude toward things, people& life as whole. 

12. DOUBT: (Meaning-feeling of uncertainty, suspicion, questions the truth of).Individual want to progress to lead a successful life. But knowingly or unknowingly their own left mind raise question “whether I will be successful” and their life becomes a question mark. They keep on questioning their own ability they doubt their own efficiency. Some of them live in pseudo-confidence. Left mind make their life a living hell.

Left mind causes destruction. Left mind gives failure.

Use RIGHT MIND. Right mind gives peace, prosperity, joy & success

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