Monday, October 17, 2016


Chapter 9


Have you ever forget to breathe? Have your heart ever forget to beat? Have your blood vessels (arteries & veins) ever forget to circulate blood & hormones in the body? Do you have to remind your mind about body temperature to adjust according to climate? The answer to above all questions is NO. Breathing, heartbeat, pulse beat, blood circulation, hormone circulation, body temperature etc. are all involuntary activities. We need not have to remember or memorize these functions to perform. These functions are performed without hindrance for years without fail & fairly accurately. Because these are permanent memory in our right mind. Then why we face difficulty in memorizing lessons in school, notes, pamphlets, guides & other study material in colleges, why people face difficulty in memorizing dates, faces, events, etc. WHY THERE IS HUE & CRY FOR POOR MEMORY?

Mind never forgets anything. Then still why we don’t remember or want to remember.
1. We are not conscious about what we have learnt, remember, studied, heard, seen, spoken. We are not even conscious about events, faces, incidents etc. we don not due weightage & importance to our conscious activities.

2.   We do not relate our good emotions with our conscious work.

3. We are not all interested in our work. We consider it as routine & boring – a drudgery. Doing for sake of doing because of compulsion, fear, responsibility, etc…

4. We do not have any aim to pursue .we are pessimistic, blank about future,  we are sure nothing good will happens in future. We are too much concerned about our own problems   

5. Lack of patience. This is most important. People leave the thing in between when it is near completion because they feel since they got failure till date they will not get success by going ahead. Lack of self-confidence mars their career. Nobody knows what is restoring in our future. Only HE knows. All we can do is to move ahead with confidence & do our work & definitely HE won’t let us down. You will get fair reward of your patience, persistence & successful moves.     

People don’t use their right mind to memorize their routine conscious activities viz lessons, chapters, notes, pamphlets, guides or study material for students. Dates, faces, events, etc. for others. Every body remembers their insults, happy moments, a child remembers his/her good marks or rank in school or board or some best achievement in student life, youngsters remembers their first love, a woman remembers her marriage events, men remember their first job & subsequent promotion etc. one or other events is attached   with good or bad emotions. AND EMOTIONS LIVES IN RIGHT MIND. HENCE we never forget our memorize, events, associated with emotions & our involuntary functions.        

How to use right mind to remember or memorize your daily conscious functions:

1. Reading: while reading think simultaneously what you are reading within fraction of seconds . It means there are two of you first you as human being as a physical entity with organs like mind, eyes etc & second as super conscious energy, with which you are born & which is part & parcel of cosmic energy in the universe, circulating in each & every cell of the body. You must be aware of that energy. Feel that energy. You will come to know about energy, which is silent, soothing, refreshing, super natural & vital force in existence, when you go in for SAD, SAV, SAM. Associate your reading with that supernatural energy i.e. see & feel that energy accepting each & every word, sentences, paragraph, in each & every cell of the body. That information which you just accepted is, converted in knowledge by reasoning, analysis, interpretation, flowing in to the blood stream like oxygen 24 hours a day. Your mind will become conscious about what you have read. Repeat this procedure many times make this is habit for mind ultimately this becomes a supreme consciousness. It means whatever you have read becomes a memory in mind. Now is the test time try to recall what you have read. Many have problem of recalling or retrieving. First understand the process of recalling

RECALLING:  whatever information you have fed through above process first enters left mind & then into right mind. In recalling, information first leave right mind then enter left mind then if it is released transforms into text or other pattern on pages or orally or some other form. People block the information from coming out of left mind either through their unconscious thoughts like “I have poor memory”,  “I can’t remember this”, “it is very difficult to remember”, “I can’t do it”, “it is not my cup of tea”, “oh! Forget it ”, “what difference doest it make” on   such negative thoughts & some subconscious negative thoughts that “they had poor memory” but never told to anybody, instructs left mind not to release information hence there is problem of recalling. Hence they cannot reproduce the information orally or on pages. 

Solution: build self-confidence through constant feeding of positive thoughts that “I have good memory”. “I can remember this”,  “it is very easy to remember”,   “it very interesting to learn” etc… (See SAD for more detail)
Theses & other positive suggestions give instruction to the left mind to release the desired information & act in your favor 

It will solve your memory problem 

Follow the same procedure for:  
2. Writing: while writing think simultaneously what you are writing within fraction of seconds. Be aware what you are writing

3. Speaking: while speaking think simultaneously what you are speaking within fraction of seconds. Be aware what you are speaking

4. Hearing: while hearing think simultaneously what you are hearing within fraction of seconds. Be aware what you are hearing

5. Thinking: while thinking think simultaneously what you are thinking within fraction of seconds. So that no unwanted thoughts will enter your mind. Be aware what you are thinking.

6. Feeling: while feeling think simultaneously what you are feeling within fraction of seconds. So that feeling will be more conscious & meaningful. Be aware what you are feeling

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