Monday, October 17, 2016

exam days

Chapter 13

Exam days

Exam days are just 45 days before exam. Leave at least three days before exam
 for ex. If exam stars on   i.e. First paper on 15 march 2010.  45 days will be  from January 26,2010 to march 11,2010. Keep 3 days (from 12 march 2010 to 14 march 2010) for extra study for your first exam paper. 
A.   Find out 1. Most important questions 2. Less important questions 3. Least important questions of all subject of your course 

B.        Make list of total question in all three categories. For .ex.
Most important questions  (MIQ)---- 250 say in all   5 subjects
Less important questions  (LIQ) ---- 200   say in all 5 subjects
Least important questions (LtIQ)  ---- 100   say in all 5 subjects

(Number of questions & subjects may differ from course to course & student to student. The above is an illustration only)

First revision: 250/5days = 50 i.e. prepare answer to 50 Most important questions in one day. Within five day you can complete 250 answers to most important questions in all   5 subjects. You can work out your own formula regarding number of days you want to spent in completing answer to most important questions.

Second revision: after you have completed 250 answers to most important questions then go for Less important questions – 200, in all 5 subjects. 200/5 =40 answer i.e. prepare answer to 40 less important questions in one day. Within five day you can complete 200 answers to less important questions in all   5 subjects.

Third revision: after you have completed 200 answers to less important questions in all   5 subjects then go for Least important questions  ---- 100 in all 5 subjects. 100/5=20 answer i.e. prepare answer to 20 least important questions in one day. Within five day you can complete 100 answers to least important questions in all   5 subjects.

Fourth revision: 20 least important questions in one day in all   5 subjects

Fifth revision: 40 answers to less important questions in all   5 subjects

Sixth revision: 50 answers to most important questions in all   5 subjects

Again from most to least &least to most so on precisely on 18th day you have completed twice revision of three categories. Next 15 days you can go another revision i.e. thrice times you are learning all categories answer to questions  

1.   Monotony of reading only one subject is eliminated
2.   Since you are reading all 5 subjects there is no tension of lagging behind in one particular subject
3.  You are reading from most to least &from least to most, since you are immediately starting what you have read earlier, time is saved because you already prepared answers to that question
4. Memorizing becomes easy. Because we remember latest. You start next revision at the latest read answer to questions. i.e most – least –least-most-most-least  so on.

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