Monday, October 17, 2016

learning disabilities

Chapter 11

“Life is not what happens to you, but what you make of
Everyone dies, but not everyone fully lives”

Some children confuse teachers & parents. Physically they look sound but still lag in study. They behave normally but they have lot of difficulties in study. Some stammer in expressing themselves, some answer fluently but write very slowly, some have dyslexia. Some don’t understand root logic behind math .they fumble in plus, minus, multiplication & division. Such students do have higher I.Q. but still lag behind in study. Some of the learning disabilities are:

1. Dyslexia (reading disability): dyslexia is found in nearly 80% students. Simultaneously inefficiency is found in short term memory, mathematic, language skill, motor skill. Mild dyslexia is mostly found, there is less awareness among parents, teachers, educational officers & medical practitioner .

 solution read slowly. Concentrate on each alphabet, word, and sentences. Then increase your speed of reading

2. Disgraphia : the student suffering from Disgraphia cannot construct sentences properly. They feel difficulty in writing word, Sentences, paragraph. Small space for writing is their problem.
 Solution: concentrate on the formation of word, sentences & paragraph. Analyze How the words are written in what context, their relevancy, their reference. JoiningOf two sentences & consequently paragraph.
3.  Writing disability: some students are efficient in answering question but they could not write properly. They try to avoid writing. Or when they write they writ very slowly.
Solution: try to write as correct as possible. If made mistake write correct alphabets of that word at least 10 times. Read carefully. If you’re reading & pronunciation is accurate you won’t make mistake in writing words, sentences & paragraph.

4.   Spelling disability is permanent. Frequent mistake occur.
   Solution: concentrate on what you are reading. Be conscious about what you are Reading. While reading think simultaneously what you are reading.

5.      They cannot get along with new environment.
6.      They perform very slowly.
7.      Analysis of root matter becomes difficulty for them.
8.    They do not concentrate or concentrate on irrelevant matter.
9.     They misread the information.

Apart from learning disabilities they suffer from:

   COMPULSION: There is compulsion to study. Lack of interest is the cause. Compulsion to secure good marks. Compulsion develops irritation, tension & fear. Stops creativity. Unwillingly they perform-a straight half hearted effort.

   LAZINESS: The lazy individual losses through two ways. He/she thinks about the opportunities he/she has missed & is missing owing to his /her Laziness. He/she also spend time in thinking ways & means whereby he/she can avoid doing thing he/she should be doing. There is no such thing as physical Laziness .All Laziness is mental. It evolves from left mind.

PRESSURE: Parents & teachers work under pressure. Unknowingly they pass on the pressure to students. Some student are pressurized to work hard, perform well in exam, without realizing whether students are really capable of handling the presessure.Pressure blocks left mind.  Results are obviously below expectation.
 UNDERSTANDING: Students usually cram without understanding. Because understanding becomes difficult for them. Cramming restrict analysis & interpretation.

 WORRY: Parents worry about their child career& finances required for education .Students worry about exam, good percentage admission to higher courses. Worry robs you of the stamina which could help you to combat the causes of worry.


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