Monday, October 17, 2016


Chapter 4


1 Get up   at 04.00 hrs
2 find calm & quiet place
3. Sit in comfortable position 
4. Play the recorded success thoughts from the audio player  , earphones mounted on the  
5. Listen to each success thoughts & concentrate on the pineal glands – around which right mind resides & feel the thoughts

                                    Listen –concentrate on glands – feeling

6. Similarly listen concentrate on pituitary, lymph, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal, goonds &feel each thoughts in each & every glands
7. Repeat the procedure on each gland

Listening to each thoughts is a instruction to right mind, gradually right mind accepts each & every success thoughts & manifest in every endocrine system of the body.
Concentration on each gland is forming memory of success for each gland & each gland behave according to the success thoughts secreting only success hormones in the blood
the feeling of every thoughts brings a state of being is manifested in  the right mind & becomes memory & whenever you instruct right mind for success right mind activates & glands system recognise the particular success thoughts & immediately release success hormones in the blood & body behave successfully bringing about desired positive result in environment e.g. if you are feeling like you are not remembering or difficulty in recalling the material / study /etc. the success thought “I have a good memory” will instruct right mind for success, - to retrive the material /study/etc. right mind activates & glands system recognize the particular success thoughts & immediately release success hormones (enkephalim) in the blood & body behave successfully thereby you remember  easily  & recall & your memory becomes sharp.
 The feeling of every thought brings a state of being. That particular state of being is manifested in the right mind & becomes a permanent memory    

 Meaning of concentration : continuously looking at the glands inside the body without diverting your attention
Feeling: feeling must be in each &every cell if the body &right mind, feel the thought, feel a state of being accepted by your right mind. 

1.      Sit in comfortable position
2.      Consider a 100 × 100 inch white film screen in front you. It is easy because you normally watch movies in theatre.
3.      visualize yourself on the screen in BIG, bold & colored figure
4.      see yourself doing the act according to the success thought - FEEL  the success thought IN YOUR MIND ,BODY,  HORMONES & IN EVERY CELLS OF THE MIND & BODY  as  you perform on the screen
      e.g. success thought “I have faith in myself” see yourself on screen with your chest forward, chin up, sparkle in eyes, confident voice doing the act.
Remember the act must relate to your AIM 

If your aim is to pass any uncertain exam then see & feel yourself studying, learning, writing exam with confidence, preciseness & relevant answers.

 See & feel yourself with your mark sheet getting best marks in each & every paper & best aggregate marks in course /degree/exam etc.

See & feel yourself with celebrating your success with your parents, relative& friends 

Feeling is most important .your mental picture are readily accepted by right mind &it manifest it in whole body in each &every cell. Later it brings about the same condition &environment which you have visualize in success acceptance concentration in reality.

Visualization: there are two entities
1. Yourself in physical being feeling the every thought in every cell of the mind & body
2. Yourself on screen in big, bold & colored picture 

1.            Sit in comfortable position
2.           close your eyes
3.          mentally listen the same thoughts  & first concentrate on  entire six glands & feel each thought secondly  concentrate only on pineal glands
4.    now remove attention from pineal glands & concentrate on thought only .now there are only thoughts & nothing else in room, there are no object around you, there are no glands in your body, there are is no physical existence of yourself, your body ,mind or anything around you BUT THERE ARE ONLY SUCCESS THOUGHT & feeling. there are only success thought in the universe.
      SUCCESS ACCEPTANCE MANIFESTATION is a state where person experiences only thought. There is no existence of mind- body, time & space

SUCCESS ACCEPTANCE MANIFESTATION make you penetrate sub atomic level . Every matter is made of atomic particle viz., proton neutron & electron. These atomic particle are continuously vibrating in the universe. Consciously you do not feel the vibration of atomic particle. It can only be experienced in SAM. These atomic particles are vibrating with coded information (conscious & subconscious) stored in DNA& RNA.


The success thought you manifest in right mind hormones & nerves are becomes coded information for RNA & RNA is constituent element of DNA.HENCE The more the POSITIVE CONSCIOUS INFORMATION MAINFESTED IN MIND BODY, NERVE & IN EACH & EVERY CELL the MORE POSITIVE ENERGIES emit from vibration .This is called AURA. POSITIVE AURA IS GOLDEN IN COLOUR.
SAC, SAV, SAM must be performed at on stretch & their order should not be changed .Success thought remain same for all three method. Mental pictures (SAV) may differ according to person, age ,experience ,education etc.   


This method must be practiced after SAM. You can try this before ALSO but watch out for positive results. If it suits you, continue, otherwise do it after SAM
1. Sit in a comfortable position 2. Concentrate in areas of right mind (see figure) & do lom - anulom pranayam for 50-60 times. Beginners must start from 10-15 pranayamas initially & then increase to 60 times. 3. Feel the freshness of oxygen, energy, and enthusiasm, in every cell of the areas of right mind. 

This method will bring out whatever material you have stored in your right mind. Ensure do not associate yourself with emotions attached with it. It may be your study material, events, places, names, incidents, what ever you desire to retrieve it will recall. Caution use this method for constructive purpose only

5. SILENT SPECTATOR METHOD (SSM):  this is the most important of all methods. It eliminates all your sorrow; renew you with full of energy. It stops troubles to mind. It stops mind from creating trouble. If you sit silently mind will do trick it will wander, evolve thought from mind, new thoughts will emerge. Then there will be action & reactions occur to the thoughts. You will go restless; you will attach emotion to every passing thought. It will create misery, destroys happiness. 

This method will give eternal joy forever:    
1.      Sit / lie down in a comfortable position
2.      close your eyes
3.       Don’t do anything. Just sit silently without concentrating on anything. No nothing. Let one thought come & pass by. Do not attach your emotions with it, do not react to thoughts. Just be a mute, silent, quite spectator to the thoughts. Sooner the thought will vanish, again new thought will emerge. Remain calm, quite, & silent, do not react to this second thought also, and it will also vanish soon. In this way gradually all thought will vanish leaving behind a void space where there is no thoughts but only you. This you is not your physical entity but your super consciousness, which is capable of transcending universe. Because at this stage there is no wish/ambitions left behind, there is no desire, no emotion, no nothing. But   something will be there that is SILENCE, the eternal silence of the universe. You have reaches a stage where people strive for whole life to free themselves from the bonds of life & death. This is the stage of no life & no death. It is in between life & death.

Practice this method first for 30 minutes & then extend to 60 minutes. When you become master of remaining calm, quite, silent, non-reactive, mind will not bother you. There will be no worry, no stress & strain, no desire, no ambition, no emotion nothing except the eternal silence. 

By continuous practice you will come to know about your origin! You will know about your cosmic connections! What are you in the space? Who are you in the space? 

It will completely relax you, will give you sound sleep, and make you make sound & important decisions, which will prove boon to you in long run 

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