Monday, October 17, 2016

Art of study Theory subjects

Art of study

Theory subjects

1.  Understand meaning of each & every line, word meticulously. Use dictionary if necessary.
2.  Understand the meaning of text or any data in your mother tongue or in any language in which you think.
3.   Analyze the meaning of each word, each line in relevant context in your mother tongue or in any language in which you think.
4.  Try to connect meaning of one word, one sentence, to another word in another sentences. Read in harmony. Read in connection with each other 
5. Interpretate the meaning of one paragraph (from number of sentences), relate & connect it with another paragraph same way as you done in step 1 to 4
6. Then take out key -word from it. Convert it into key alphabet. Take out one key word for every three sentences. Since you are beginner & if text is hard go for three keyword for every three sentences. When you are expert then take one key word for 50 sentences or anything, which you feel suitable.   
7.  Find gist of text consisting of numerous paragraph &write down in your language.
8.   Then follow the method given in memory chapter for memorizing the text or any data 

Do not make conscious effort (like parrot cramming) to remember. It will waste your energy. Create restlessness & frustration if you don’t remember at exam time. Do not get impatient if do not memorize in first attempt, try again, read again & again because every try, every read you are engraving the text in your mind. It is becoming permanent never to be forgotten. Have faith in your ability. What ever you read will be sub conscious reading ready to be reproduced when required.

Make distinction between what is to be learnt & what is to be read. Learn means to remember then you have to follow the above procedure. Reading means understanding & analyze only as stated in procedure above. Go for both daily. Learn 50 pages & read 150 pages daily. You can increase or decrease pages according to your capacity. Ensure when you are used to method always increase you pages for learning & reading.       
          Practical subjects: like mathematics, accounts, taxation, cost &
       management accounting,chemistry problems, objective question of 
        reasoning or arithmetic’s in competitive exams etc don’t solve 
       practical problems but research on solution to practical problems then
        solves the  practical problem with help of that research.


1.Collect many solved practical problems of your practical subject. Ensure it must cover the entire syllabus in respective subject.
2.      (a) Understand the meaning of problem (b) see how problem is solved (c) understand the solution, (d) analyze the solution,(e)  Interpretate the solution of each practical  problem.   

3.      In this way collect a common gist (i.e. one step common solution method for all practical problems in each chapter) applicable to each & every problem, from numerous problems, with some minor variation, if any 

4.      Write down the common gist of interpretation i.e. one step common solution method for all practical problems in each chapter in your own language.
5.      Memories the common gist through above method. 

6.      Now mentally solve the same problems from which you have taken
    the common gist, through the common gist only. See whether you
   solve the problems correctly or not. If you are satisfied. Do it 5-10 times
7.      Then solve those same practical problems on paper with each & every correct step & in proper order under strict examination condition. Do it 4-7 times 

8. Then apply the gist to other practical problems of higher level even
    outside your syllabus. . If you find something new in other practical
   problem add this to you common gist. Solve it mentally & on paper if
    you have time & resources. This is called 150 % learning.  

Since you know one method solution for each chapter. You can solve as many numbers of problems as you want.  

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