Monday, October 17, 2016


Chapter 8


Dreams are our unfulfilled desire of materialistic world. Dreams make we feel happy, sad, and uneasy, depressed,scared.Dreams are caused by some psycho –somatic incidents. Some dreams tells about something is wrong about our health. We do not remember dreams because our subconscious mind does not want our immune & other system to get disturbed by its impact. We lost valuable time, effort, & fortune in dreams. Dreams could be used to further your objective of positive success in study, business, job, health & making money.

How dreams occurs: human being are tormented by his/her bad emotions viz. jealousy, hatred, ego, envy, anger & sadness. Dreams are characteristics representation of your bad emotions what cannot be expressed openly in broad daylight can be expressed in dreams. This is the reason why more than 90% dreams are sexual & sex related.  Dreams are caused by release of particular hormones in the blood.

How: any event which is caused of worry when carried to the bed without solution remain dormant until when sub conscious mind takes over  i.e. when sleep occur sub conscious search for fact from left mind since your problem is unsolved it reason on it . This reasoning is of high quality. But since you have left your rights mind on its own mind or rather haven’t trained your right mind. The reasoning remains in the right mind-giving rise to dreams. Then the question arises how come good or bad dreams? Since your problem is a problem & hence bad emotions are attached with it giving rise to gloomy, shoddy & bad picture of future in the form of dreams. Sub -conscious mind searches for imaginary/real people, events, places, names, incidents etc. to form a nightmare, whose impacts is felt over whole body temporarily but carries the coded information of bad feeling right through in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)& its constituents element ribonucleic acid (RNA). If it occur regularly for considerable period of time. Then dreams become reality.   Hence some people see, felt and perceive what they have seen in dreams. If dreams happen to be good then they will get good in reality. If they happen to bad then they ruin their happiness. Dreams can also happen from some unknown information hidden in the sub-conscious mind. That unknown information may turn out to be good or bad, you don’t have control over that information. when you are  born your born with that cosmic information &cosmic coded knowledge to which every human being & other  lives  is part. Neither you don’t have control over day-to-day happenings/events/incidents that make you feel jealous, hatred, ego, envy, anger & sadness.

So what is to be done JUST ELIMINATE THE DREAMS WHETHER GOOD OR BAD.  It sounds like destruction but understand THE REAL BEAUTY OF IT.

HOW TO ELIMINATE DREAMS: YOUR AWARENESS AND ALERTNESS ABOUT SUBCONSCIOUS ACTIVITIES   CAN ONLY ELIMINATE DREAMS. Sub conscious activities are breathing, heartbeat, pulse beat, blood circulation, hormone circulation, body temperature etc.

Procedure: while going to sleep just 30 minutes before falling to sleep lying on the bed, concentrate on your breathing. When you breathe in. Concentrate & feel how each breathe brings fresh oxygen first enter nose (perceive the sensation of freshness in inner wall of nose) then it touches the areas of right mind, feel the refreshing sensation in each cells of the each part of right mind (hypothalamus, hippocampus, pineal glands) then  wind pipe, feel  every cell afresh in throat region  , then lungs, feel the refreshing sensation in each cells of the each part of chest i.e. lungs, heart ,diaphragm etc.. then the refreshing sensation reaches stomach region fills it soothing effect of oxygen then reaches genitals (ovaries in women & testis in men ) feel the sensation of oxygen . feel the energy at the base of spine just three inches in front of it. Then the energy reaches thigh goes down till reaches ankle. At each stage feel the oxygen is absorbed in blood stream reaches every cell, rejuvenate each cell, and fill with energy. When you breathe out feel carbon dioxide is thrown out of blood, from body all impurity   is thrown out of body. Start from ankle to right mind in reverse way. You have to imagine & feel the sensation within fraction of seconds in each part. Continue. Breathing in & Absorbing energy and beginning from right mind to ankle & breathing out releasing carbondioxde from ankle to right mind & in space above right mind in universe outside. Enjoy this fun. Gradually you feel sleepy & you already slept but the mind still concentrating on those procedures with every breathe, with still same sensation of freshness & throwing impurity. This process will continue even after you fallen to sleep. This is training your mind to focus and concentrate on breathing even after sleep so that it will not wander in sleep & will not give rise to dreams. It means you are consciously breathing in sleep. In other words you are aware/alert you are breathing in sleep, which is very rare in human beings.  This is most important. CONSCIOUSLY BREATHING IN SLEEP. Conscious breathing in sleep will not allow left mind to interfere. Hence you will get sound sleep. Here sub conscious Mind will only concentrate on involuntary activities & will not release unknown hidden information to form dreams hence no dream will occur to you i.e. you had eliminated dreams. Continue practice this method one day you will master of your dreams. You become so expert that you can create dreams; you can bring any one in your dreams & can visit any body’s dream. Most important you will be energetic, refresh, creative, happy the next day.

You can practice elimination dreams with

1. Heart beat- just try to listen & feel soothing & enchanting sound of heart beats &went to sleep with feeling that after I slept my mind will continue to listen & hear the heart beats

2. Blood circulation:  just try to listen & feel refreshing, stimulating blood circulation just like enjoyable, free flowing, carefree, silent, energetic & enthusiastic river flow of country side & went to sleep with feeling that after I slept my mind will continue to listen & hear blood circulation.
3.Body Temperature: just try to listen biological clock in the body & feel & enjoy moments of changes in body temperature  & went to sleep with feeling that after I slept mind will continue to listen & feel body temperature.

Similarly you can eliminate dreams by conscious about other involuntary activities in sleep.        

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